donderdag 29 januari 2009

Obama's levensverhaal

In de VS vrezen heel wat mensen dat hun nieuwe president, Barack Obama, regels rond abortus zal versoepelen. Dit was wat hij ook in zijn kiescampagne vermeldde. In dit licht past de video hierboven.

Lees trouwens hieronder ook John Pipers open boodschap aan Obama (fragment uit zijn Sanctity of Life- preek van afgelopen zondag).

"As everyone knows, our new President, over whom we have rejoiced, does not share this reverence for the beginning of human life. He is trapped and blinded by a culture of deceit. On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, he said, “We are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters.”
To which I say . . .

* No, Mr. President, you are not protecting women’s health; you are authorizing the destruction of half a million tiny women every year.

* No, Mr. President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom; you are authorizing the destruction of freedom for a million helpless people every year.

* No, Mr. President, killing our children does not cease to be killing our children no matter how many times you call it a private family matter. Call it what you will, they are dead, and we have killed them. And you, Mr. President, would keep the killing legal.
Some of us wept with joy over the inauguration of the first African-American President. We will pray for you. And may God grant that there arises in your heart an amazed and happy reverence for the beginning of every human life."

De video kwam ik tegen bij Josh Harris.

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