dinsdag 2 maart 2010

Voor Driscoll was Avatar de meest satanische film die hij ooit zag

Velen zullen er niet blij mee zijn, maar voor Mark Driscoll (oprichter van Mars Hill Church in Seattle) was Avatar "de meest demonische, satanische film" die hij ooit zag.

Een deel van zijn argumentatie:

See, in that movie, it is a completely false ideology, it's a sermon preached. It's the most popular movie ever made, and it tells you that the creation mandate, the cultural mandate is bad, that we shouldn't, we shouldn't develop culture, that's a bad thing.

Primitive is good and advanced is bad and that we're not sinners, we're just disconnected from the divine life force, just classic, classic, classic paganism, that human beings are to connect, literally, with trees and animals and beasts and birds and that there's this spiritual connection that we're all a part of, that we're all a part of the divine.

It presents a false mediator with a witch. It presents false worship of created things rather than Creator God in absolute antithesis to Romans 1:25, which gives that as the essence of paganism. It has a false incarnation where a man comes in to be among a people group and to assume their identity. It's a false Jesus. We have a false resurrection. We have a false savior. We have a false heaven. The whole thing is new age, satanic, demonic paganism, and people are just stunned by the visuals. Well, the visuals are amazing because Satan wants you to emotionally connect with a lie."

Kijk hier voor het hele stuk en filmpjes van de preek waaruit bovenstaand fragment komt.


Filip De Cavel stuurde me een mailtje. Ook hij was niet onder de indruk van Avatar, maar "allicht om andere reden dan Driscoll". Voor hem was de review van Jason Clark "aanzienlijk beter".

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