zaterdag 26 september 2009

Getuigenis Julius Kim uit toespraak DG Conference 09

Julius Kim was gisteren de eerste spreker op de Desiring God National Conference. Hij begon en eindigde zijn toespraak over Calvijn, "Calvin the Man, and Why I Care", met een stukje getuigenis. Hieronder plakte ik deze 2 pakkende gedeeltes achter elkaar.

At 12 years of age, Kim Guan He became a pilgrim. Born into an aristocratic family in the 1930's, Kim led a privileged life. He and his family lived in the main house and his extended family lived in the compound. When I asked him what he remembered about his childhood, he said the only thing he remembered were his mother's cries. His father regularly beat her because of her inability to bear more children. Kim would rush to his mother's room to keep her from being beat, but he would get beat himself. When he was 12, he woke up to his house being on fire. He ran outside and found his father holding the torch. His father said, "Leave now or die." "What are you doing, Father? Have you gone mad?"

The extended family wanted to help but couldn't do anything. Kim could only watch as his mother grabbed whatever she could and grab his hand. Kim was banished from his home and became a homeless pilgrim.

John Calvin likewise was a pilgrim. He was a Christian. I think this is the best way to get a handle on Calvin's life.


Calvin was physically tormented. He was emotionally grieving. He lost his wife and his only child. He had friends who were dying because of the gospel that he preached.

I'd like to end by telling you the finishing story of Kim Guan He. We left him at 13 years old having just become a Christian. Kim studied diligently and eventually got accepted to the most prestigious university in Korea. Since he only had a 50% scholarship he knew he couldn't pay his way through. So he decided to visit his father, thinking he would be proud of his acceptance. He asked if his father could help with his tuition. No response. His father just turned to his assistant and said, "Tell this young man to leave. I have no son." Stunned, Kim left.

I asked, "Were you angry?" Kim turned and thought for a moment. He said, "Of course I was angry. Of course I was sad. Of course I was bitter. But what could I do?" He was hurt, but he said later that it was his faith in God that kept him going. Over the course of his life he tried to visit his father. One day his cousin called and said his father was dying and asked if he could come and pay his last respects. Kim made the trip and said to his father, "Father, I want you to know why I came today. It's because I'm a changed man. I can honestly say that I love you and that I forgive you. I can say that because, even though I didn't have a father, another Father came for me and gave me hope. He loved me so much that he sacrificed his only son as a sacrifice for me. If you believe in him, Father, you can have eternal life. You never gave me anything in this life, Father. But this is what I want to give you: the opportunity to believe in Jesus." It was only through the gospel that Kim could say that to his father.

Kim Guan He would eventually immigrate to the U.S. where he would try to give a better life to his son. A life not filled with exile. He wanted to introduce his son to another man named Jesus.

Kim Guan He is my father. Let's pray.

De volledige toespraak lees je hier.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Beste Jan, interessante blog! Leuk dat je de toespraak van Julius Kim hebt geplaatst. Mijn vrouw en ik waren dit jaar op de conferentie van Desiring God in Minneapolis, en de toespraak van Julius was inderdaad heel bijzonder.
    Gods zegen,
    groet, Martin

  2. Da's fijn om te horen. Als je ooit opnieuw naar een DG conference gaat, reserveer dan gerust een plaatsje in je koffer :-)
    Je mag me altijd nuttige links doorsturen, hoor. Of ervaringen en reacties, bijvoorbeeld van op conferenties en zo. Wie weet kun je zelfs live verslag uitbrengen voor de lezers van deze blog ;-)
    Dank voor je reactie
